Our intent:
To support children and young people to be safe, healthy, resilient and active participants in the community.
Our principles:
Our staff and volunteers will engage with children and young people using the following principles to ensure they have a positive experience and reach their full potential:
- Informed by young people with expectations managed within the resources available
- Supported by a skilled workforce of diverse staff and volunteers
- Respecting and valuing differences
- Understanding child vulnerabilities and adolescent development
Our values:
- We work with children and young people using a trauma informed approach
- We apply restorative practice
- We follow the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child
- We ensure our activities are engaging and enjoyable
- We plan evidence based activities to deliver improved outcomes
- We understand and demonstrate our safeguarding role
Our desired outcomes:
Our staff and volunteers strive to deliver the following positive outcomes to reduce the likelihood of children and young people needing targeted interventions as they move forward with their lives.
- Improve their safety through fire, home, water and road safety education
- Strengthen their protective factors
- Build self-esteem, self-confidence and self-control
- Create learning opportunities and develop new skills that enrich their personal development
- Develop their ability to manage and build healthy personal and social relationships
- Reduce isolation, loneliness and risky behaviours
- Increase social commitment and a strong sense of community
- Benefit from relationships with trusted adults and peers to guide and explore new experiences
- Build our services collaboratively and in partnership as a trusted professional
Our activities:
We provide services that support children and young people's health and wellbeing and offer character building opportunities, which both lead to more resilient communities:
- Fire Cadets
- Safer Futures Online
- Fire Safety Interventions
- Early Interventions
- Support for Schools