Guidance Documents

On this page you can access guidance from HM Government on fire safety risk assessment for those seeking advice on how to comply with the provisions of the Fire Safety Order - usually employers or owners/occupiers of commercial premises and other non-domestic premises. There are also blank 'Fire safety Risk Assessment' forms and 'Log Book' proformas to aid your record-keeping (prepared by CDDFRS).

Under the Fire Safety Order, the responsible person must carry out a fire safety risk assessment, implement and maintain general fire precautions and have a fire management plan. More detailed advice and guidance on carrying out a fire safety risk assessment for specific types of premises can be found below.

If, having read the relevant guide, you decide you are unable to apply the guidance then you should seek expert advice. The fire safety section can help by calling 0345 223 4221. However, they will not be able to carry out the risk assessment out for you.

office and shops Offices and Shops Factories and Warehouses
sleeping accommodation Sleeping Accommodation residential care premises  Residential Care Premises
educational premises Educational Premises Small and Medium Places of Assembly
large places of assembly Large Places of Assembly theatre cinema Theatre, Cinemas and Similar Places
open Open Air events and Venues healthcare premises Healthcare Premises
transport premises and facilitiesTransport Premises and Facilities animal premisesAnimal Premises and Stables
means of escapeMeans of Escape for Disabled People (read in conjunction with the other relevant guidance documents) Environment agency - Fire prevention in permitted sitesFire prevention in permitted sites, the Environment Agency (this guidance covers storage of combustible waste at permitted sites.)
making your premises safe Making your premises  safe - Short Guide

A guide to making your small paying-guest-accommodation safe from fire

FS logbook thumbnail
FRA assessment form thumbnail
FRA simple premises thumbnail
FRA schools thumbnail

Fire Safety in Schools


cover for choosing a competent Fire Risk Assessor



thumbnail for pdf called 'A Guide to making your small  block of flats safe from fire thumbnail'

A Guide to making your small block of flats safe from fire

thumbnail for 'small non-domestic premises  safe from fire'

A Guide to making your small non-domestic premises safe from fire

Fire risk assessment checklist


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