The Committee is a sub group of the Finance Committee which meets at least once per year and has the following functions:
- Agreeing the level, if any, of any local pay award for Brigade Managers and the Treasurer position.
- Monitoring and reviewing the performance of the Chief Fire Officer, Brigade Managers and the Treasurer
- Determine whether or not a full structural review of the relevant salaries is required or whether or not an annual review will suffice.
- For annual reviews:
- Determine if any substantive changes have taken place with the Brigade Managers' or Treasurers roles, or if there is any other reason why a pay award should be considered.
- Make suitable recommendations to the full Fire Authority following this determination.
- For full structural reviews:
- Oversee the appointment of a suitably qualified person or organisation to undertake job evaluation of the applicable roles;
- Consider the other relevant factors specified in the National Joint Council for Brigade Managers of Fire and Rescue Services Scheme of Conditions of Service, fifth edition 2006 (the Gold Book);
- Make suitable recommendations to the full Fire Authority on any proposed pay levels following this consideration.