17 Front Street
DL13 2NE
United Kingdom
Group Manager:
Justin Parry - justin.parry@ddfire.gov.uk
Station Manager:
Dan Hodgson - daniel.hodgson@ddfire.gov.uk
RDS Support Manager:
Jono Holmes - jholmes@ddfire.gov.uk
Jonny Golightly
Business Fire Safety Officer
Telephone: 07730 456724
Email: jgolightly@ddfire.gov.uk
Please contact our Community Safety Team on 0345 2234221
Appraisal of the facilities at the fire station at Bridge Street, Stanhope in the official report on the formation of Brigade was:
A reasonably well sited mixed prefabricated and brick structure in a fair state of repair although it lacked suitable drill and training facilities. A new more permanent structure would be required at a later date.
The old fire station was demolished and the construction of a new station on the same site began. A temporary garage for the appliance was constructed.
The drill tower was erected and the training yard was extended