Wingate Lane South
Wheatley Hill
United Kingdom
Group Manager:
Justin Parry - justin.parry@ddfire.gov.uk
Station Manager:
Simon Davison - sdavison1@ddfire.gov.uk
RDS Support Manager:
Jono Holmes - jholmes@ddfire.gov.uk
Stephen McLaughlan
Business Fire Safety Officer
Telephone: 07730 456724
Email: smclaughlan@ddfire.gov.uk
Please contact our Community Safety Team on 0345 2234221
Appraisal of the facilities at the fire station at Wolmerhausen Street, Wheatley Hill in the official report on the formation of Brigade was:
Two condemned houses in immediate danger of collapse. A new station required as a matter of urgency.
A temporary fire station at Quetlaw Road was constructed. The station bay garage was a corrugated-iron construction with a brick façade at the front in an ex Ministry of Works hut.
A two appliance bay station with training tower was opened in July 1989. The temporary station served the community for thirty five years.