Parkside Road
United Kingdom
Management Team
Group Manager:
Justin Parry - justin.parry@ddfire.gov.uk
Station Manager:
Kevin Bell - kevin.bell@ddfire.gov.uk
RDS Support Manager:
Jono Holmes - jholmes@ddfire.gov.uk
Stephen McLaughlan
Business Fire Safety Officer
Telephone: 07730 456628
Email: smclaughlan@ddfire.gov.uk
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Appraisal of the facilities at the fire station at Princess Road, Seaham in the official report on the formation of Brigade was:
Brick-built building, formerly part of a small isolation hospital with an unsatisfactory prefabricated hut – used for dormitory and messing purposes – as it took up all the space on the drill yard. It would be approved by the erection of another floor at the rear of the station.
A brick built training tower was erected.
A bay appliance garage and training tower was constructed on the same site as previous station.