Throwback to last week when our Fire Cadet Lily Woodward was chosen to lay a wreath at the Ceremony of Remembrance in London on behalf of all NFCC Fire Cadets
Lilly said “I have only been in fire cadets for a year, and I was really nervous on the day of the parade. I didn’t know what to expect and how well I would do marching, however I was honoured and proud to represent everyone. With not being in the cadets for long, I felt beyond happy to represent County Durham and Darlington and the whole of cadets and representing family members that have been in the military.
The best part of the day was listening to all the people cheer and clap for us youth cadets as we walked down past the cenotaph and toward horse guards. I learnt how different all the cadet units are and how they do thing differently to how our cadets do things.
Being a fire cadet helps me with opportunities like this that I can write on my cv. It also allows me to make friends with fire cadets that don’t go to my unit. Being a fire cadet means something to look forward to on a Thursday meeting my friends and learning something new.”
Chief Fire Officer Helps commented “This hugely important event gives us an opportunity to honour those who bravely fought for the freedom of others.
It was a great success, and that is due to the co-operation and support of everyone involved.
I was delighted to hear that Lily, one of our fire cadets was chosen to lay a wreath. Well done Lily, I am very proud of how you represented our service.”