Firefighter Jade Crawley on inspiring next generation to join Service

Spennymoor Firefighter Jade Crawley.

Inspiring girls to achieve their dreams is one of the best parts of the job for Spennymoor Firefighter Jade Crawley.

Jade, from Consett, joined County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) at the age of just 17 after securing a place on the Service’s apprenticeship scheme.

Six years later, the former Fire Cadet is now based on Spennymoor White Watch where she describes the crew as being like her second ‘family.’

“I knew that I wanted to be in the emergency services, but I didn’t know what route I wanted to go down,” Jade said. 

“So, when the apprenticeship came up with the fire service in 2018, I applied for it and got in!

“I’ve never looked back - it has been brilliant.”

Jade, now 23, was the youngest on the Service’s Cohort 2 apprenticeship and said that while the course was challenging, the support she received enabled her to succeed.

“It was really hard, but in a good way as you don’t realise how far you can push your limits until you try,” she said. 

“You get so much help and support from the trainers and the cohort becomes your family.

“The support you get from each other helps you to cope.”

She continued: “When I started out, I didn’t realise how much Firefighters have to know about everything.

“I originally thought crews just attended car crashes and house fires, but there is so much more that they are trained to do - from chemical jobs to water incidents and even saving animals.”

For Jade, one of the best parts of the job is meeting people in the community through station open days, school visits and home fire safety visits where crews give out advice and install smoke alarms.

“I really like the community safety side of the job,” she said.

“It is important to show a presence in the community to let people know we are there to help and to give them some advice on how to be safer.”

But helping to inspire the next generation to join the Service is one of the things Jade is most proud of in her role. 

“When you join the fire service, you think that you are just answering the emergency calls but when you dig a bit deeper, there is a lot more background work that you do,” Jade said. 

“This includes school visits and station open days. 

“I go into schools and talk to the little girls who think they can only be ‘firemen’ and I get to tell them that they can be a Firefighter in the future - that’s a good part of the job.”

Her advice to those looking to apply to become a Firefighter?

“Work on your fitness and believe in yourself,” she said. 

“When I joined at 17, I didn’t think I could do it, but I did!

“I love being a Firefighter. 

“I have been at Spennymoor Fire Station for four years now and they are like my family.”

County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) are seeking new recruits to join their 38-month-long apprenticeship scheme.

To register your interest and start your recruitment journey, please visit: