Meet the former greengrocer turned on-call firefighter hoping to inspire next generation

On-call Watch Manager Kieran Hughes standing in front of a fire engine.
On-call Watch Manager Kieran Hughes.

Kieran Hughes was working as a greengrocer when he first saw on-call firefighters in action. 

The 40-year-old had just moved to Stanhope when he decided to visit his local fire station during a training night and was left blown away by the camaraderie of the crew.

His experience inspired him to join County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) as an on-call firefighter based at Stanhope Fire Station in 2013.

“I didn’t set out to be a firefighter, I always wanted to be a vet as I love animals,” Kieran said. 

“It wasn’t until I moved to Stanhope after meeting my wife that I thought I would pop into the local station and see what it was all about. 

“Seeing how close knit the crews were and watching them train inspired me to want to progress as a firefighter.” 

In the years that followed, Kieran continued to respond to incidents as an on-call firefighter while working in various jobs including as a train technician for Hitachi Rail and as a shop floor manager for a tool sharpening company. 

Driven by his passion for helping people, Kieran became a wholetime firefighter with the Service in April 2022 and was promoted to Crew Manager in 2024. 

Kieran remains in his on-call role at Stanhope Fire Station where he is the on-call Watch Manager. 

Now Kieran is hoping to inspire the next generation of on-call firefighters in his role as On-Call Support Officer. 

“Working with the community and helping those in need is the most rewarding aspect of the job,” he said. 

“You get a sense of pride knowing you are part of the community and being able to support them.

“Having on-call firefighters creates a more diverse workforce.

“We have people who are motor mechanics, shop workers, builders and farmers. 

“They bring a great skill set to some challenging situations when needed.” 

CDDFRS is looking to recruit more on-call firefighters who are 'on call' to respond to a range of emergencies. 

You can continue to do your everyday job, but when the call comes, you will become a professional firefighter. 

“Some people think that being on-call means that you are required to sit on the station and wait for a call, but this isn’t true,” Kieran said. 

“You can still get on with your day-to-day activities, but you must be within five minutes from the station in case a call comes.”

To find out more about the role and apply, visit: On-call Firefighters - Applications NOW OPEN | County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service