A recruitment campaign centred on encouraging women to discover their potential as a firefighter is what first attracted Watch Manager Debbie Pallister into the service.
Growing up, Debbie dreamed of being a theatre nurse before pursuing a career as a nursery manager.
Next, she transitioned into working in a community health visitor team, before taking up a job with the British Red Cross.
But she still felt she hadn’t found the right role for her.
Then all that changed when she spotted a poster at her local leisure centre.
She said: “I needed a job that was interesting, challenging and changed every day. I was bored doing what I was doing and needed something exciting.
“I walked into a leisure centre and there was a massive poster of a kneeling female firefighter with the flames in front of her with the strap line “can you fill my boots?”
“I instantly said yes I can and decided that’s what I want to do.”
From there, determined Debbie set her sights on a career as a firefighter and began researching the role extensively – reaching out to firefighters to learn more about the job.
She made good use of a Positive Action scheme that offered women the chance to practice psychometric tests and gain insight into the physical nature of the job - hose running, ladder lifting and team building exercises.
And in 2008, aged 34, she joined CDDFRS and has worked hard to be promoted to Watch Manager and lead her own team, all while juggling being a mum to two boys.
She said: “Right from the start of the job during training, the sense of teamwork was great. There was 12 of us on my course and we all became great mates and are still in contact with each other now.
“I love my job and have never looked back; I have always worked on watches where everyone supports each other and there’s always someone ready to listen if you need support.”
Offering advice to other women interested in joining, she said: “Never let your gender hold you back. I’ve never been treated any different to anyone else because I’m a woman and all that matters is you can do the job.
“Do what I did, research the role to know exactly what you’re getting into and go get yourself as strong and as fit as possible.”
When not at work, Debbie spends her spare time with her two adult sons, can be found at a Crossfit gym or the cruise lover is off exploring the world on holidays abroad – proving what great work/life balance can be found with a career at CDDFRS.