Ten new firefighters ready to begin work on stations

Firefighters on Course 171 at their pass out parade with cllr John Shuttleworth and Chief Fire Officer Steve Helps.
Firefighters on Course 171 at their pass out parade with cllr John Shuttleworth and Chief Fire Officer Steve Helps. 

Ten new firefighters are set to begin working on fire stations across County Durham and Darlington after completing their initial training.

Hundreds of people applied for the coveted role with County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) and a rigorous recruitment process followed to select the new recruits. 

The new firefighters have come from all walks of life – from driving HGVs to a career as a semi-professional footballer.

And today (Friday, December 6) the course celebrated successfully completing 15 weeks of initial training with a special pass out parade in front of their proud families. 

The ceremony saw the new recruits showcase their new skills by carrying out three drills which included successfully fighting a fire, cutting a casualty out of a car and performing a building rescue in full breathing apparatus.

Meanwhile, two recruits were recognised with special awards in honour of their hard work and skills.

Firefighter Gareth Lamb received the Recruits’ Recruit Award after being voted as the most supportive and encouraging firefighter by his fellow cohort.

Firefighter Lamb also received the Silver Axe – an award given to the best overall performing firefighter. 

Firefighter Jordan Cook received the Best BA Wearer Award, an award presented to the firefighter who has shown the greatest level of improvement and consistency demonstrated in BA.

Chief Fire Officer Steve Helps said: “Being a firefighter is a job like no other.

“It takes dedication, commitment and personal resilience. 

“Our new recruits have proven themselves as an undeniable asset to our firefighting family and I know they will all go on to do great things within our Service.”

Councillor John Shuttleworth, Chair of County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Authority, added: “CDDFRS is a brilliant Service to work for and I wish the 10 new recruits the very best in their careers.”

Three on-call firefighters holding helmets in front of fire engine.
On-call firefighters Kieran Hughes, Mya Malthouse and Jonner Robinson.County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) are looking for the next generation of on-call firefighters –...